OPTILUME® Do you know the newest minimally invasive treatment for urethral stricture?


Urethral stricture is a pathology that affects about 6,000-8,000 men in the Canary Islands. This disease, more frequent in men than in women, consists in the narrowing or reduction of the duct that expels urine from the bladder to the outside.


The symptoms of urethral stricture are those derived from obstruction and increased resistance to the outflow of urine. If this obstruction occurs for a long period of time it can cause problems in other organs such as the bladder or even irreversible loss of kidney function. The most characteristic symptoms are:

  • Dribbling at the end of urination.

  • Loss of strength in the urinary stream.

  • Urgent and frequent urination.

  • Urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence or urinary retention.

  • Ejaculation without force or with pain.

At GUA Urology and Andrology we offer the innovative Optilume® treatment, a revolution in this field. A minimally invasive alternative to treat urethral stricture, combining balloon dilation of the stricture with the administration of an antiproliferative drug that prevents recurrence of the obstruction, i.e. prevents the tissue from regenerating again, with a success rate of 80%, very promising results for this type of pathology.

Optilume® has shown very positive results in opening the narrowing and preventing further scar tissue formation that often follows surgery.

Optilume® is a long-lasting and effective alternative that has already been endorsed by our patients. Our center is a pioneer in the Canary Islands in offering this treatment.

Contact us for more information.


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