Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet-Rich Plasma for Erectile Dysfunction

Platelet-rich plasma is a therapy that consists of extracting the patient's own blood and subjecting it to a selective centrifugation process to obtain a preparation with the blood components that are beneficial to the penis due to their properties.

After separation from the blood, an activated platelet concentrate is obtained, rich in growth and tissue regeneration factors with reparative properties of the tissues in which it is injected. PRP activates a stimulation and regeneration of new tissues and the creation of new blood vessels in the penis. When the blood vessels fill with blood they give hardness to the penis by increasing the circulation inside, improving erections and sexual satisfaction.

The efficacy of biological therapy with PRP is scientifically supported by multiple studies and has been performed since 1970 in multiple medical specialties.

Platelet Rich Plasma for ED treatment details

What problem does this treatment solve?

Patients with erectile dysfunction or difficulty maintaining erections.

Areas to be treated:


What does the pre-op consist of?

No preparation is required prior to the procedure.

How long does the treatment last approximately?

30 min.


Closed system centrifugation of platelet-rich plasma.

Does it require anaesthesia?

Local with a microneedle, does not generate pain.

Does it require admission or is it ambulatory?

Outpatient procedure.

How should the patient be cared for after treatment?

None. After the procedure the patient can lead a normal life and go to work if required.

Approximate recovery time:

Immediate recovery.

Does it leave scars?

No scars.

What results should the patient expect?

Improvement of sexual potency from the first sessions may require the help of oral medication at the beginning.

Complementary treatments:

Occasionally it may require oral medication to improve erections or shock wave therapy.


From 89,52€ per month*.

* We finance your surgery. Ask us about the different and convenient financing options we offer.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Platelet Rich Plasma for Erectile Dysfunction

Which patients can benefit from this treatment?

It is indicated for all men with erectile dysfunction of any degree. PRP has proven to be especially beneficial in patients with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or with ED caused by urological surgeries, or having received radiation therapy due to prostate cancer, or in patients with Peyronie's disease.

It can also be used in other diseases such as:

  • Penile fibrosclerosis.
  • Peyronie's disease.

What are the benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma treatment?

  • More powerful, longer lasting erections.
  • Penile rejuvenation.
  • Increased blood volume during erection, which translates into an increase in size, both in length and thickness (approximately 1 cm in both cases).
  • More spontaneous relationships, without the need to plan to take the pill or injection.
  • Long-lasting effect (1 to 2 years).
  • Response in patients who do not respond to other therapies (oral or intracavernous drugs) or complementation of the response.
  • High rate of satisfactory responses (more than 80%).
  • Rehabilitation in patients undergoing surgery or radiotherapy for prostate cancer.
  • Improvement in penile incurvation (E. Peyronie's)
  • Painless.

What is the Platelet Rich Plasma procedure for Erectile Dysfunction?

It is a process that we perform in our center on an outpatient basis and requires no prior preparation. It is performed under local anesthesia so it is completely painless and carried out by urologists specialized in sexual medicine and this type of techniques.

Blood is drawn from your arm (about 20 ml) and this blood is processed to obtain plasma rich in growth factors. It is then applied with a very fine needle and local anesthesia to the corpora cavernosa of the penis.

After each session, the patient can return to his or her daily life (home or work) without any inconvenience.

When are the results of the treatment noticeable?

Generally, beneficial effects can already be noticed from the first injection, but it is not until 4 weeks that the benefits become more evident.

How many sessions are necessary?

In our center the PRP program is applied with a preparation of the tissue where it is going to be administered by means of low intensity Shock Waves, and after 24 hours these waves are applied again.

The treatment lasts half an hour and two sessions are applied, one per month. After two months the patient is checked to see if two more treatment sessions (one per month) are necessary. Therefore, the maximum treatment would last 6 months, with 4 sessions (months 1,2,5,6).

This treatment makes it possible to maintain the intake of oral medications in a mobile regimen while waiting for their beneficial effect.

How long do the effects of the treatment last?

The effects last between 1 and 2 years, so it is advisable to repeat 1 maintenance session when symptoms begin to reappear.

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