D. Francisco Ramírez Acosta

D. Francisco Ramírez Acosta

Health psychologist specialising in sexology and relationship problems
  • Address Info :
    Mesa y López, 54, bajo. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

About me

I am a health psychologist trained in different models (cognitive-behavioural, systemic, analytical-linked) and countries (Spain, Holland and Chile). Master in family intervention and specialist in group therapy.

In therapy, people constantly "put into play" their particular way of relating to the world and to others. This is how I came to sexology and sex therapy, for sexuality is one of the most important facets of human health and relationships.

Whether in individual therapy, working with couples or in groups, my maxim is always to respect people's time. In many cases, accompaniment is the best therapeutic intervention.

At the Urology and Andrology Clinic we work in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary way. This facilitates a more holistic understanding of our patients and their idiosyncrasies. In addition, it encourages the constructive discussion of cases and facilitates the better design of personalised therapeutic itineraries.

Current professional activity

Head of the Piscology Section

Urology and Andrology Cabinet, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Degree in Psychology


I graduated as a psychologist from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca in 2007. However, during the last two years I enjoyed two mobility scholarships; I spent the fourth year of my degree at the UVA (Universiteit van Amsterdam), as part of the Erasmus programme, and the first semester of the fifth year at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, under an International Exchange programme.

During my academic training, and thanks to the mobility grants that I was able to enjoy, I was able to train in the main psychological models: Cognitive-Behavioural in Salamanca, Groups and Organisations in Amsterdam and Family-Systemic model in Chile. Once I finished my degree, I completed my training in psychology by doing a Master's degree in analytical psychology (Specialist in Clinical and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy: the child and his/her family, 2010. Universidad Pontificia de Comillas) while at the same time combining it with my work as a Clinical Trials Coordinator. It was then, my first contact with Urology and Andrology: working as Clinical Trials Coordinator in the Urology services of the University Hospitals of Getafe and Príncipe de Asturias, Madrid, in 2009.

At that time, I also completed the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude that qualifies me as a teacher (Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, 2009, Madrid).

In addition to numerous trainings (both face-to-face and distance/on-line), of different characteristics, as well as attending multiple congresses, I highlight, above all, the achievement of the Official Master in Family Intervention (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2015) as well as the Specialist in Group Psychotherapy [Training Institute of the Spanish Society for the development of the Group, Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (SEGPA). International Association of Group Psychotherapy (IAGP)].

Currently, and since 2016, I am part of several training and supervision groups "among equals" both as an individual and group therapist. These groups are made up of health professionals from different disciplines (general practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, etc.).

Work Experience

Between 2009 and 2011 I worked as Clinical Trials Coordinator at the Urology and Andrology Services of the University Hospitals of Getafe and Príncipe de Asturias; as well as at the Provincial Rehabilitation Institute of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital.

In 2011 I worked in the (national) NGO Casa do Caminho (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) as an educator of minors until I returned to Gran Canaria in 2012, where I continued working as an educator in the (international) NGO Aldeas Infantiles. Between 2013 and 2014 I worked as a psychologist in the foster care programme of the same NGO.

Between 2014 and 2015 I worked simultaneously as an educator in Fundación Canaria Sociosanitaria with my internship in the Family Intervention Master in the Prevention and Family Support Service of the Telde City Council.

Since 2015 I have been working in the field of compulsive behaviours (first in a private resource and currently in a Foundation/Care Unit). In addition, I now combine this work with my work in this Urology and Andrology Clinic.


Appointment with Dr. Francisco Ramírez Acosta

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